Cigars have to be stored properly for them to retain their flavor. Â The traditional storage boxes of cigars are called humidors. Â A quality humidor is not exactly cheap so those who think they are up to the task may consider making their own homemade humidor.
The easiest homemade humidor is made up of an airtight plastic container. Take note that the emphasis here is the word airtight.  Anything less is unacceptable.  The ideal size is one that will comfortably fit at least two wooden boxes of cigars with space to spare.  A digital thermometer must be attached inside the container through the use of Velcro and it must be positioned in such a way that it can be seen from outside the container even when it is closed.  It is necessary to consistently check that the right temperature is maintained inside.  A slightly damp sponge has to be placed on one side away from the boxes of cigars.  A plastic humidor is not recommended for long-term use since plastic tends to retain more moisture than the ideal humidor environment.
A homemade wooden humidor is a better option but will require some woodwork skills. Â There area actually many do-it-yourself humidor kits available in the market. Â Aside from woodwork skills, completing this project would require specific equipment. Â Dimensions can be adjusted depending on personal preference. Â In lieu of cedar linings which may not be readily available, linings from Spanish cigar boxes can be used. Â To complete the humidor, a digital hygrometer and humidifier are also needed.
About the Author:
Teresa is a researcher-writer who covers a wide range of topics in search of useful information.
Originally posted on February 28, 2013 @ 4:42 am