While cigars are smoked by many people on a regular basis, we cannot discount the fact that cigars are associated with special events. Cigar makers, especially, place particular attention to producing one of a kind cigars for special events. This month, we have gotten wind of a new project from La Flor Dominicana.
Owners Inez and Litto Gomez have partnered up with another couple, Isabel and Ruben Toledo. If the names sound familiar, Isabel Toledo is a renowned fashion designer. The purpose of the partnership is to create a special cigar, which will benefit El Museo del Barrio. This museum has the distinction of being the only Latin American museum in New York.
What is this special cigar? Dubbed the El Museo Limited Edition, the cigar is Churchill-sized, measuring in at 6 ¾ inches and has a 52 ring gauge. Cigar enthusiasts will be glad to know that the filler and binder both come from the manufacturer’s farm, La Flor de Palma, in the Dominican Republic. The wrapper, on the other hand, comes from another part of the country.
The owner describes the flavor of the cigar as being full-bodied and rich, while being smooth at the same time. He adds that the smoke has a taste of sweetness as well as a certain complexity. If that description is not enough to make you curious, I don’t know what will!
On top of this, the box containing the cigars is supposed to be quite beautiful, made of off-white lacquer, featuring the silhouette of a mambo dancer enjoying a cigar. It really is a pleasure to look at!
Originally posted on March 14, 2009 @ 8:46 pm