Storing cigars properly is important because it may compromise its taste and quality. Once it is left in the open, it will dry up just like a flower. Mishandled cigars may burn unevenly or faster than usual. They can have a strong bitter taste and even broken wrappers. Molds and insects also pose a problem. Prevent these by keeping cigars below the maximum temperature of 73F (23C) and within 68%-74% humidity. The ideal environment would be 70F (21C) and 70% humidity. Cigars that are not stored in a humidor must be kept in a sealed plastic bag with a damp towel. ?They often last a week or two, depending on the weather. Do not store them in the refrigerator, because they will lose their moisture. Although in some cases, it is acceptable to freeze them to avoid insect infestations.
Preferably cigars should be placed in a humidor, a sealed container which has a humidifying device that maintains its internal humidity and temperature by controlling the amount of air that flows in. They simulate the conditions of the tropics where the tobacco was cultivated, fermented and rolled. There are many types of humidors to choose from. It is best to invest in one with a lock or heavy lid that keeps it sealed. The size will depend on how much cigars you plan to keep and where you will place it. If you have a collection of cigars or are planning to collect then it is wise to purchase a large box. Small humidors and travel sizes are also available. Image from Brandt Kurowski
Originally posted on February 18, 2012 @ 8:28 am