For most people, hearing the word manufacture is usually synonymous towards machinery doing all the work with the supervision of humans to create quality made cigars that smokers all over the world are demanding. Cigar preparation is an art, something that needs training for cigars to retain their quality once bought. Millions of cigars are manufactured each year, the life span of which does not really impact them since the longer they are stored, the better to smoke them with.
A lot of this lies in the type of tobacco leaves in use. Tobacco leaves available in regions such as Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic and Honduras are proof that people have a wide array of sources to choose from. Every cigar smoker would have their preference and as long as these countries are able to produce, it is a sure thing that expert cigar makers are sure to be behind such resources specially made for people anywhere in the world today.
Originally posted on March 24, 2008 @ 9:28 am