Cigar smoking is something that people would initially try for the sake of curiosity. Sure you will always hear that Cuban Cigars are the best but are banned. Or perhaps hear that cigars come in different flavors. Cigars are also good for the health, depending on the resources used in the hand-rolled tobacco and so forth. Cigars will surely capture the attention of most people, both smokers and non-smokers alike.
For the beginning cigar smoker, it would be best to try buying one piece instead of the usual box which would not be light on the pocket of any person. Brands have their say as far as cigars are concerned, but for beginning smokers, this is not yet important.
The essence of what people get from smoke that they have in their mouth is something that no one can really explain. Most people are simply for the acknowledging their curiosity while some are in it because of the things they hear around them.
Originally posted on July 27, 2011 @ 10:07 am