Mention cigars and a person would instantly associate it with Cuban cigars. Cuban cigars are acclaimed to be the best hand rolled tobacco in the world, being the preferred country where such finely prepared tobacco leaves are found. Cigar production is controlled by the Cuban government where they are rolled in the various cigar factories that are existent in the country of Cuba.
Habanos SA and Cubatabaco are known to be the leading groups that handle the manufacturing and distribution of their finest roles produced. Such produced cigars are usually known to be hand made although there are some who also use machines to be able to produce bulk cigars bundles.
Ironically, Cuban cigars where introduced in Europe by the very same person who discovered America, Christopher Columbus. He is credited with this distinction from his numerous voyages, something that people are familiar with today. It is amazing that he too is responsible for making cigars known in Europe.
Originally posted on September 17, 2010 @ 4:28 am