What makes cigars different from the usual cigarettes that people would buy from the local store? For one, cigars carry a more social type of a tag where people would be considered elite and indifferent from standard smokers that are present in communities today.
Cigars have had the distinction of being entirely finely prepared and becoming more identified with people who put premium in puffing the quality manufactured tobaccos that are best known for manual labor preparations. People usually pair them with coffee or smoke them during special events such as newly born babies and parties. They are also offered to guests in corporate offices, mostly coming from the corporate offices of top honchos of large scale corporations.
Cigarettes are normally purchased for people who have become addicted to it. Besides the obvious difference is size, cigars hold a more prestigious billing once they are seen being lit anywhere. Some would call it a waste of money, but for others, it is a for of identified status symbol, something that is important for people who want to be identified in the world today.
Originally posted on August 4, 2010 @ 12:52 pm