Cigar is usually associated with smoking. Smoking is usually associated with health risks. But for cigar smokers which is not lit as often as the standard cigarettes that people do, has certain health benefits if taken up close.
For one, the tobacco leaves used for some cigars are traced towards medicinal herbs that may be good for the body. This was done in ancient times and has been forgotten ever since.
Cigars are also associated with aid in weight loss. While such may be considered an unorthodox way of putting up with it, some people have found it effective although there may be hitches with regards to health as the inhaled smoke may be bad for the body as smoking has been known for.
Either way, health or health risk, the ultimate decision on passing judgment towards cigars and tobacco leaves will still fall on the hands of the person who smokes them. The final word will always be theirs.
Originally posted on July 14, 2011 @ 1:44 pm