Traditions call for fathers to distribute cigars even if they would not be lit once a newborn baby boy comes out. This has been passed off from the early generations a symbol of manhood to which fathers would usually be proud once a boy would be born to them.
There is no definite reason why such has been practiced, but to this day, cigars have been considered a form of announcing the arrival of a baby boy. The cigars passed do not have to be the quality cigars. They are merely distributed for the reason of announcing the arrival of the baby boy and not really to be smoked as what cigars are known to be for.
So the next time you find yourself getting a baby boy, consider that cigars are mainly acts of souvenirs and not really for appeasing the people who share the light moments of being a proud father. Any form of cigar will do just to announce that you are a father of a healthy bouncing baby boy!
Originally posted on May 19, 2007 @ 10:51 am