When economic situations go down, people normally have to let go of some expenses. For many people, the first things that they have to let go of are the expenses that are not necessary for day to day living. Perhaps cigars would fall under this category. Have you wondered if you could keep up the cigar habit in the midst of the recession?
The Stogie Guys offers some tips on how to continue enjoying cigars despite the bad economic situation. I like how they take into account proper money management and look at the overall picture. In fact, their first point is to learn how to manage our finances. They write:
Take a course in personal finance and/or financial accounting at your local college. I can’t stress enough how important it is to know the basics of personal finance. Sadly, American schools – including most of the country’s best universities – are doing a piss-poor job teaching us how to keep our books and budgets in order. The next time you’re thinking about dropping $250 on a new appliance at Best Buy, think again.
Yup – this is the end all be all of everything, in my opinion. If we know how to manage our finances, we can surely allocate a reasonable amount of our income for other expenses like cigars. In the next post, let’s look at some other tips on how to enjoy cigars despite financial complications.
Originally posted on October 21, 2010 @ 5:24 am