What in the world are dead cigars? I do not think that people technically use this term but I like to use it to describe cigars that have dried out. Sometimes, you buy a bundle of cigars and you do not smoke all of them within a short period of time. If you do not have a humidor, then the chances are that they will dry out. And sometimes, you buy dead cigars from shops. This actually happened to me just recently. I wanted to try this box of cigars from a shop I ran across at the mall. Stupid me, I wasn’t really thinking. I didn’t even check the cigars. I took it for granted that the quality would still be good. I was wrong. They were dry as a summer day.
So is there any solution to really dry cigars? The answer is yes. You see, it works both ways. If moisture can escape from a cigar, then you can also reintroduce moisture. How to do it? It is simple enough.
Get a plastic bag – the sealable type – and place the entire box of cigars in it. Make sure that you do not seal the bag entirely because you want some air to flow into the bag. You can then place a sponge that has been soaked in distilled water in the bag. Now take note the whole process will not be finished overnight. It takes time – weeks or even months. You have to patient because if you introduce moisture too quickly, what you will have are fat, soggy cigars that are useless. One last thing – make sure that you rotate your cigars.
Originally posted on August 16, 2008 @ 8:36 pm