With the resurgence of popularity of cigars, it is inevitable that it will become at some point commercialized. Commercialization could come in different ways but one particular symptom of commercialization is the appearance of so called “cigars†that one can buy from commercial establishments – places where you would never know cigars are being sold.
For example, I saw cigars being sold on the counter of a favorite drugstore of mine. Now can you call this a cigar especially when compared to the high quality cigars that you buy in specialty shops. These poor quality cigars actually contain many non tobacco products like paper, saltpeter and glycerin. Compare that to the ingredients in a realy good quality cigarette – tobacco and nothing else – and you will realize how vastly inferior these poor quality cables are. So if you want to really experience what cigar smoking is really all about, invest in really good cigars.
Originally posted on February 9, 2007 @ 10:41 am