Machu Picchu Cigars is making a grand return with a fresh partnership and renewed craftsmanship. Now produced at the renowned Plasencia factory in Honduras, cigar maker Randall Denman has reimagined his acclaimed line, elevating each blend with the expertise of Plasencia’s masterful touch. Named after the legendary Inca city of Machu Picchu, these cigars honor their roots with a unique inclusion of Peruvian tobacco in every filler, delivering a distinctive almond note that’s unmistakable across the line.
The collection offers three exceptional blends—Connecticut, Habano and Maduro—each showcasing a refined richness and complexity. With Plasencia’s influence, every cigar is crafted to embody intensified flavors and seamless balance.
Machu Picchu Cigars are available in an array of sizes to suit every aficionado’s preference: Coronita (5.5 x 43), Robusto (5 x 50), Torpedo (6.5 x 54), Double Corona (7 x 52), and Double Toro (6 x 60). For those eager to experience this revived masterpiece, the full line can be found at