The Stogie Guys talks about Cigar Bid, perhaps the premier site for buying cigars online. Cigar enthusiasts fondly call it CBid. CBid is a veritable treasure trove of bargains related to anything cigar – cigars themselves, lighters, and all sorts of other merchandise. This place would be the place to go if you want to be able to enjoy your favorite hobby even when finances are tight.
However, not everything for sale on CBid would be the best deal for you. You have to factor in other things in order to make sure that you are getting it for the cheapest price possible. For example, you need to make sure that what with the shipping costs, you are still getting a cheaper deal. The best course to take would be to check the regular price of the item – you can do so at other sites which offer the items at MSRP – and then compare the total cost at CBid.
Another thing to consider would be your self-control. Yup, that “S†word that many people find hard to deal with. If you are anything like me, you might tend to get carried away from time to time. You see a couple of deals that you like and then discover a couple more. You go on and on and buy and buy till you realize that you have spent more than you originally intended to!
The bottom line is to have that budget we talked about in the past posts and then stick to it. You will not be deprived if you do not splurge, you know.
Originally posted on April 22, 2008 @ 8:23 pm