Tobacco leaves are the main components of cigars today. The qualities of lit cigars vary on the curing time allocated for used tobacco leaves which would usually last between 25 to 45 days. Other factors such as the temperature and climate conditions are contributing factors to which tobacco leaves are considered prior to actual manufacturing of the end product that most people know today as cigars.
After the proper curing time for quality tobacco leaves has been derived, it would all depend on the person tasked to roll and produce the cigar products. The person assigned to do such rolling and packing of cigars can make multiple cigars in a day after which they are finely cut to size to fit in the usual carton cases we see today. The length of time to which they are stored is not a factor to be worried about, but on the contrary is better if they are stored lengthily under proper levels of temperature for more premium taste once they are lit.
Originally posted on August 11, 2010 @ 1:05 pm