It’s always the things that are bad for you that always tastes the best. This cliché, more than anything would best describe cigars and the joy of smoking it. Cigars are such a guilty pleasure. It evokes old world luxury and masculinity. And the most hardcore of cigar aficionados would have preferences and favorites among the cigars that they have tasted.
When it comes to taste though, Cuban cigars have already achieved a mythic status. I personally think that some of the best cigars in other countries can give Cubans a run for its money but, again, the cliché comes into play. Since there is an embargo on Cuban goods, the fact that it is hard to come by and even considered illegal to possess makes it so much more appealing to many cigar fans.
But are Cuban cigars really illegal in the US? Or is it just part of a disinformation campaign. The sad fact is that it is true. But to ease the pain of not being able to get your hands on Cuban cigars, just relax and puff away on your favorite cigars. What you don’t know won’t kill you, right?
Originally posted on February 19, 2007 @ 7:42 am