A humidor is an essential item in the cigar lover’s arsenal. A humidor is quite important in keeping cigars in good quality for long periods of time. For the casual cigar smoker, a humidor may not be that necessary but for the person who regularly smokes cigars and who keeps his own stash, then being without one would be akin to wasting cigars. There are a lot of humidors for sale in the market. Some are on the more affordable end while others are on the more expensive end. Some are more practical while others more exotic.
Speaking of high quality and exotic humidors, there is a new humidor being launched into the international market from Cuba. Dubbed the Antiguo humidor, this product comes from the Romeo y Julieta brand. This specialty humidor was actually presented to the world in February of this year during the Tenth Havana Cigar Festival.
(An aside, this festival is considered to be the biggest cigar festival in the world. Technically, Americans are not supposed to go to Cuba for such events but somehow, some people find their way to it.)
So back to the Antiguo humidor. This baby is going to be made of cedar and mahogany by no less than Ernesto Aguilera, the famous Cuban goldsmith. More than the humidor itself, though, the package to be sold in the market will include 250 Romeo y Julieta cigars. I could not find the pricing of the product just yet but with the quality, brand, and included cigars, I am sure that we should expect to pay a considerable sum for this humidor.
Originally posted on August 15, 2008 @ 6:08 am