Dubai-based luxury cigar brand, Amarati Cigars, recently made its debut at the InterTabac Exhibition, showcasing a collection that highlights the brand’s dedication to quality and innovation. Founded by Amer Al-Tamimi, a cigar enthusiast with more than 45 years of smoking experience, Amarati brings together the craftsmanship of Central America with Dubai’s luxury sensibilities.
Al-Tamimi’s journey to establish Amarati began with sourcing premium tobacco from Nicaragua, focusing on creating cigars that reflect his passion for quality. Each blend in the Amarati lineup has a distinct story behind it, such as “Sol Azul,” which is inspired by the calm ambiance of the Côte d’Azur, and “Letter to a Father,” which evokes themes of family ties and the harvest season. The cigars are crafted in Nicaragua using select tobaccos that provide a rich, layered smoking experience.
Amarati has positioned itself as a luxury brand, balancing traditional cigar-making methods with a modern approach. After its successful introduction in Europe, the company plans to expand its reach to the United States with an unveiling of its latest collection at the PCA Cigar Exhibition in New Orleans in April 2025.
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