When you buy cigars, how many do you buy at a time? I personally buy at least a bundle at a time only because I do not like having to keep going back to the shop when I need or want a cigar. I have to admit that sometimes, though, I buy only one. This is especially true when I am out of the house and I forget to bring a cigar with me. This can also happen when I am short of cash and I cannot really afford to buy more than one.
If you do buy cigars individually and you live in Prince George County, then you are crap out of luck as the County Council just passed a bill which disallows the sale of individual cigars. The rationale behind this move is to lessen the use of marijuana. Where is the connection?
Apparently, the youth in the area buy individual cigars not to smoke them but to use the wrapper to roll joints. This is the relatively cheap alternative to wrappers for joints. So, in an effort to make it more expensive for the young people, individual cigar sales are not allowed anymore. Another implication of t his bill is that cigars can fall under the legal definition of drug paraphernalia if used in the method described above.
I understand the rationale in theory but do they think that the measure will actually deter the youth from using marijuana? Come on now, let’s not fool ourselves…
Originally posted on November 21, 2008 @ 8:38 pm