If you are looking for a high quality mild cigar, I have the perfect suggestion for you. Why don’t you try out the Montecristo White Especial No. 1 cigar? The length of this cigar is 6 5/8 inches – just right for a long leisurely smoke. The ring gauge is 44 and it has an Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. That is, the wrapper has a pale creamy tan color, which gives you an idea of just how mild the flavor is. The binder is Nicaraguan while the filler is a mixture of Nicaraguan and Dominican.
Naturally, being a Montecristo, you already have an inkling of the high quality of the cigar. On the outside, the White Especial No. 1 is firm to the touch, without a doubt packaged excellently. But what about the flavor and the smoking experience itself?
The initial draw will give you a very light tobacco flavor. That’s about it, really. You do not get any hint of woodsy flavors or anything else. It’s pure tobacco, albeit very mild. As you continue smoking the cigar, you might find yourself expecting the flavor to develop or perhaps intensify. To be honest, though, the mild tobacco flavor stays consistent down to the last draw. Now this is not a bad thing if that is what you are looking for. However, if you want something stronger, then you might not be satisfied with this cigar. On the upside, the cigar burns very well all throughout.
There are also other variations of the white cigar at Altadis USA. Check them out and tell me what you think.
Originally posted on December 3, 2010 @ 8:05 am