Image: businessinsider
To make a cigar experience worth your while, you must know how to buy the right one. Cigar have so many variants to choose from that it is impossible to say if a person with no previous experience with cigar would like his/her first try. It would be advisable to ask the recommendation of a local tobacconist who understands the differences in the variants.
Newbie cigar smokers can get easily overwhelmed by the sheer number of choices. Â It is impossible to make the right choice just by looks since the magic of cigar lies in the flavor. Â Since it is impossible to try each and every brand and variant, it would be wise to have a certain idea of taste preference. Â Most tobacco flavor variants are self-explanatory and are referred to in relation to food items. Â These include spicy, sweet, cinnamon, peppery, butterscotch, vanilla, apple, grape, and orange, among a very long list of cigar flavors. Â There are also other terms used such as cedar, woodsy, copper, and even leather.
For the first buy, newbies are advised to do it the old-fashioned way which is through actual physical inspection.  Some of the things that can provide a clue to a cigar’s quality include freshness and color.  Wrappers should not break when pinched.  Cigars that are fresh have been properly stored in humidors which ensures maximized enjoyment.  Inconsistent coloring of cigars in  a batch may signify lack of freshness since this should not happen among cigars that have been manufactured within the same batch.
Determining the best cigar to buy requires real “tasting” .  Inhalation of smoke is not recommended in trying to establish cigar taste.  First-time cigar adventurers should try their first in a full stomach to avoid possible stomach cramps.  Online cigar stores can provide information to people interested in smoking cigar.  In buying a cigar, hand-rolled versions are considered superior over machine-made.
About the Author:
Teresa is a researcher-writer on a wide range of topics.
Originally posted on January 31, 2013 @ 6:44 am