Many countries have made their name in the cigar-manufacturing industry. Â One or two managed to actually make their country synonymous to a specific brand or quality of cigar. Â These countries continue their long-established tradition of making excellent-quality cigars.
There is a general belief that Cuban cigars are the best in the world. Â In fact, even with the ongoing trade embargo by the United States, it has still managed to come out on top by offering a wide variety of superior quality cigars. Â Its toughest competition are Dominican and Nicaraguan cigars. Â Cuba was where Columbus was supposed to have discovered tobacco which he took back to the Old World. Â Cigar manufacturing was predominantly independent. Â Many cigar producers fled the country when the government seized all private businesses and made them its property.
Dominican Republic is often referred to as the “cigar country”. Â The land of the country is said to offer the perfect environment for producing the best quality cigars. Â One of the favorites of cigar smokers is the Fuente Fuente Opus X. Â Nicaragua for a time had the Joya de Nicaragua as the standard. Â It is of special note that the best cigar makers of Nicaragua were originally from Cuba who went on exodus due to the Castro Revolution. Â Although Nicaragua has been producing cigar for quite some time before this, Â the entry of Cuban cigar makers and the use of the best seeds from Cuba paved the way for the faster growth of the cigar-manufacturing industry in the country.
Other countries who have made their mark in the industry include Indonesia, Mexico, and Brazil.
Originally posted on September 30, 2012 @ 5:38 pm