People today have different ways of expressing success and triumphs in any undertaking that they may find themselves in. Especially in task or work related activities, cigars are a common site to behold. Lighting a cigar at these times is a symbol of achievement and also relief for efforts invested in the course of investing much time and energy to achieve certain goals.
Cigars are rare today, and unless people are the standard cigar addicts, only a few can see people regularly smoking cigars in public. Cigars have become a preserved commodity, usually being lit and puffed during occasions such as a new job, new promotion or a closed deal with partners. Triumph has therefore been associated with cigars, a call to celebration and relaxation in most cases.
Cigars symbolize quality and achievement. Most people would not know why this practice is followed but nevertheless perform it on occasions that call for it anywhere in the world.
Originally posted on October 7, 2010 @ 10:56 am