When we see labeling such as “Made in Cuba, Completely By Hand†in cigars, the maker’s pride is unmistakable. It easily calls to mind a scene where each and every cigar is painstakingly rolled to ensure the satisfaction of its future user. There is almost immediate association with quality when a cigar passes through human hands instead of a machine.Â
Quality cigars are still being hand-made at present. Make no mistake however since hundreds of excellently rolled cigars can be produced by a seasoned cigar-roller at any given day. Probably a long way from the high numbers produced through machines but it has to be considered that hand-made cigars will only find their way to a select few since quality ultimately comes with a price.Â
A quality hand-made cigar goes through a careful process of curing, fermentation, sorting according to where leaves are deemed to be of best use, aging, inspection, and repeated inspection until such time that the leaves have attained the desired maturity. Rollers then make the cigar with the use of a specialty knife to facilitate accurate forming of leaves used as fillers and wrappers. Uniformity in size is attained by cutting the uncapped ends.Â
Like good wines, quality cigars will have to be aged in the appropriate environment and temperature. Even when the cigars have reached the hands of end users, they will have to be properly stored to maintain its optimum condition and ensure a pleasant experience. A good quality cigar box known as humidor will be required for this purpose.Â
Since there is great pride involved in making quality cigars, it is no surprise that manufacturers who were able to establish their names in the industry are comprised of family operations passed on from generation to generation. The art and skill of excellent cigar- making after all, does require experience.
Originally posted on May 21, 2012 @ 10:19 pm