Normally, cigars can be easily partnered with coffee. However, partnering them with the right wine like port or porto. Vintage Porto is the ideal brand to use, but considering their cost, cigar smokers would normally outsource for alternative ones to pair with their usual favorite cigar.
Porto is a fortified red wine that contains brandy and is available in Portugal. Its sweet taste is similar to common deserts, making it a good pair with the cigars smoked today. Cigars will have their usual varied tastes depending on their manufacturer, but nothing beats a good pair of wine consumption as well.
It only goes to show that people have different ways of enjoying their preferred brand of cigar. Coffee will always be the first thing in mind, but wine is another option that provides classy presentation and drinking for religiously smoking cigar people today. Besides, people express themselves in their lifestyle, hence cigar with wine being a class in its own.
Originally posted on June 15, 2007 @ 10:54 am