Enjoying cigars can only be described as strong, deep passion. Some people may think of it as a hobby, but it is not. The art and privilege of smoking a cigar is a lifestyle. It is a ritual that one goes through every single time a cigar is smoked. From picking a cigar out from the humidor, to cutting the edge, to lighting a match in order to light the cigar oh so carefully. Each step is a study in deliberate movements that end in that first puff of aromatic smoke.
If I sound too florid when describing cigars then you will have to forgive me because cigar talk always makes me feel eloquent. I live and breathe cigars. I do make my self imposed limits but sometimes it really takes all of your willpower not to exceed your imposed limit. Self discipline is really the key to being a responsible cigar fan.
Originally posted on August 18, 2010 @ 12:37 pm