People may not know it, but unlike the usual product purchases by consumers, bundling consumer goods is preferred since they give value for their money. In the world of cigars this is totally different. Sure there will still be the presence of getting their money’s worth but in the cigar industry, bundling is often associated with selling second rated cigars that may not meet the standards of the professional cigar smoker.
Preference for quality smoked cigars is a given and it is no mystery why people would prefer buying cigars as individual sticks rather than in bulk. The bundled or second cigars will still possess the same smoke and tobacco, but for the experts, identifying the difference can be determined in the taste that these cigars would have.
Cigars are usually tagged depending on their point of origin such as Nicaraguan Bundles, or brands such as National, Baitoa and La Floridita. Building brand awareness in the category of cigars takes time, ironically similar to smoking quality cigars which would preferably take 6 to 8 weeks of aging before they are offered for sale to the cigar enthusiasts today.
Originally posted on July 2, 2010 @ 10:14 am